Saturday, April 6, 2013

Better Business Bureau - Review

BBB review Hawaii Hanapa'a Off Road Towing LLC is currently not a member of Better Business Bureau of Hawaii. Therefore, this Business is not BBB Accredited

Hanapa'a Off Road Towing, LLC
Find a Location
Phone: (808) 637-9686 Fax: (808) 637-2285 View Additional Phone Numbers 66-540 Kamehameha Hwy, #D, Haleiwa, HI 96712

BBB® Non-Accredited A+ Rating

On a scale of A+ to F - Reason for Rating BBB Ratings System Overview
BBB Business Reviews may not be reproduced for sales or promotional purposes.

This company offers auto towing services.

BBB Accreditation Hanapa'a Off Road Towing, LLC is not BBB Accredited.

Businesses are under no obligation to seek BBB accreditation, and some businesses are not accredited because they have not sought BBB accreditation.

To be accredited by BBB, a business must apply for accreditation and BBB must determine that the business meets BBB accreditation standards, which include a commitment to make a good faith effort to resolve any consumer complaints. BBB Accredited Businesses must pay a fee for accreditation review/monitoring and for support of BBB services to the public.

Reason for Rating - BBB rating is based on 16 factors. Get the details about the factors considered.

Factors that raised Hanapa'a Off Road Towing, LLC's rating include:
1. Length of time business has been operating.
2. No complaints filed with BBB.
3. BBB has sufficient background information on this business.

Customer Complaints Summary

0 complaints closed with BBB in last 3 years | 0 closed in last 12 months
Complaint Type
Total Closed Complaints 0
Advertising / Sales Issues 0
Billing / Collection Issues 0
Problems with Product / Service 0
Delivery Issues 0
Guarantee / Warranty Issues 0
Total Closed Complaints 0

Definitions | BBB Complaint Process | File a Complaint

Government Actions
BBB knows of no significant government actions involving Hanapa'a Off Road Towing, LLC.
What government actions does BBB report on?

Advertising Review
BBB has nothing to report concerning Hanapa'a Off Road Towing, LLC's advertising at this time.

What is BBB Advertising Review?

Additional Information

BBB file opened: 07/21/1998Business started: 06/01/1995

This company is in an industry that may require licensing, bonding or registration in order to lawfully do business. BBB encourages you to check with the appropriate agency to be certain any requirements are currently being met.

These agencies may include:
Department of Commerce & Consumer Affairs (DCCA)
PO Box 3469
Honolulu, HI96801-3469
(808) 587-3295

State of Hawaii Department of Taxation
PO Box 1425
Honolulu, HI96806-1425
(808) 587-4242

BBB records show a license number of RD3282 for this company, issued by Department of Commerce & Consumer Affairs (DCCA). Their web address is The expiration date of this license is 06/30/2013.
Type: Motor Vehicle Repair Dealer

Check License Status: a=d& f=n&off=&lictp=RD&licno=3282
Please note that governmental licensing information may not be current.
BBB records show a license number of W01630134-01 for this company, issued by State of Hawaii Department of Taxation. Their web address is
Type: General Excise Tax

Type of Entity Sole Proprietor

Contact Information
Principal: Ms. Irish Barber (Owner)
Changed name to Hanapa'a Off Road Towing - Business took over Haleiwa Off Road Towing Co. in 2007 and then dissolved in 2013. Hanapa'a has never had any connection to Haleiwa Off Road Towing Co., Todd White or any of its entities. Hanapa'a Off Road Towing Co., and Irish Barber simply leased the equipment from Haleiwa Off Road Towing Co.

Business Category
Towing - Automotive, Auto Repair & Service

Alternate Previous Business Names
Todd White dba
Haleiwa Off Road Towing
Hi State Lic# RD-3282
Haleiwa Off Road Towing - retired in January 2007

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Name & Management changed 01/01/2007

As of January 1, 2007 Haleiwa Off Road Towing came under the management and day to day operations of:

Irish Barber dba Hanapa'a Off Road Towing LLC
PO Box 25444 Honolulu Hawaii 96825
Phone 808-637-9686 or 808-479-5287

BBB records show a license number of W01630134-01 for this company, issued by State of Hawaii Department of Taxation. Their web address is:
Check License Status: a=d& f=n&off=&lictp=RD&licno=3282

All company policies in existence before this date remain in full affect. Any company policies changed after 2007 will override previous policies. For a verification on policies and procedures contact Irish Barber.

Haleiwa Off Road Towing had a name change to Hanapa'a Off Road Towing for tax and liability reasons and to clarify to the public that a managerial change had taken place.


Company Policy

Hawaii State License RD-3282
ASE Certified


1. The Company Policy – For Sub-Contractors
2. NOTICE 1 & 2: from the worker to The Company
3. The Company Policy – continued
4. Disciplinary Warning
5. Dispatching
6. Procedure on all calls
7. Procedure on dealing with difficult or disgruntled customers
8. Driving Procedures
9. Procedure on Jump Starting a Vehicle
10. Service Vehicle obligations
11. Battery location chart
12. Flatbed Procedures Liability Waiver
13. Lock Out Release of Liability form
14. Winch Out Release of Liability form
15. Customer Vehicle's damage description sheet
16. Damage Claim Reversal Form
17. Procedure on Trespass calls PPI – Private Property Impounds
18. The Phonetic Alphabet
19. Invoice / Customers Receipt – issued from the shop only
20. Talk on what The Company expects with respects to being Loyal
21. There are four sides to The Company
22. Non-Competition Agreement
23. Assignment of Tow Zones
24. Freeway Location Schedule
25. Tow log – distances from The Shop
26. Diesel Fuel locations
27. Map of Kaneohe MCBH
28. Map of University of Hawaii
29. Map of Schofield various buildings

Hawaii State License RD-3282
ASE Certified

Dated: January 1, 1994


Basic rules needed to be addressed while working for or sub-contracting from Haleiwa Off Road Towing Co. hereinafter referred to as "The Company". Most calls into The Company for towing are generated from Insurance companies. It is mandatory that you follow the instructions set by these various insurance companies so that we can get paid and so that you can get paid. You must inform The Company of your unloaded miles as well as loaded miles, any wait time, extra equipment including dollies used. If you damage a vehicle, you must immediately notify The Company. If you damage a vehicle due to negligence on your part, you will be responsible to personally pay for those repairs. All GOA's need to be called into the dispatcher at the time the GOA is realized. If you want to be paid on time, you are required to fill out your time sheet daily and turn it in as often as possible, no later than weekly. If you collect cash as part of your payment for services provided (over-miles etc. excluding any tips) you may keep the cash, but log it onto your time sheet and call it in at the completion of each call. The amount you received will be deducted from the amount owed you at the end of the week. Since you a sub-contractor, you may do what you like with your time, however you must be available for our calls. If you refuse calls or dispatch cannot contact you, it will be our understanding that you no longer wish to continue the relationship and at our option this agreement will be immediately concluded. If we receive 3 complaints or company violations are filed against you within a consecutive 12 month period, which appear to me as justified, your association with The Company may be concluded. You will receive a 1099 at the end of the year. You are responsible for your own taxes during the first 3 months of your association with The Company. After that, at your option, you will be treated as an employee receiving medical and other benefits as described in your Employee Work Package.

The Company will provide insurance and maintenance for equipment it owns. The Company pays for all fuel and truck maintenance. For those that are using their own equipment, they are to inform their insurance provider that The Company is to be listed as an additional insured on your policy and you are to forward a copy of that policy to The Company. The Company will reimburse you for the base charge for your Nextel phone, see Cell Phone Agreement. Any overages will be your responsibility. You agree to leave your phones on 24/7/365. If you have something private to attend ie: church, funeral, wedding, private family discussion etc., please put your phone on vibrate mode. Aside from a reset for no longer than 1 minute per week, do not ever turn your phone off. You are currently working under the direction of __Todd White__ as Field Supervisor. His call back numbers are ____366-3273____ or in the event that someone else has been assigned to you, I can be reached at my private cell 479-5287.

There are three categories of drivers or towers in this company.

1. There is the prime driver who is first in line for the calls.
2. The 2nd driver will handle the overload of calls. This driver also drives the roll-back and is on stand-by because we don't want to tie up his truck doing a non-required flatbed tow. The reason is, if a flatbed tow becomes required we need his truck available. It would not be available if he was on another tow or doing a service call.
3. Then there is the backup driver. Normally this will be me because as the backup driver I can concentrate on the paperwork, payroll and other business necessary in running the company.

As owner of The Company, I am the regular on-duty dispatcher and as such I will always dispatch to the prime driver first. There will be a temporary stand-in or acting dispatcher for all nights, and at times a weekend or for a certain specified period of time. That acting dispatch position will go to driver#1, the prime driver, who will take all the calls first and when there's an overload where he falls behind more than 45 minute ETA, he is to dispatch the call first to the second driver or in the event that the second driver is not available then he is to give the call to the backup driver, me. The acting dispatcher is not to pass on calls to another driver if he is not on calls himself or if he is not behind in his own schedule. When the acting dispatcher is taking over the phone he is to get off the phone as soon as possible in order to allow a second call to come in. He is not to "talk story" or carry on any personal business when he is in dispatch position and only has a single phone. He should not have any more than two calls pending for himself without dispatching the third call to a second driver. I will usually come back on line and transfer the calls back to myself by 02:00 – 04:00 each morning. I will expect the acting dispatcher to handle all calls every night from 21:00 – 04:00 each night or at whatever time I take the phone back and he is to perform all calls received. He/She is to log in his/her work sheet all the pertinent data which will include:

1. Customers contact name, address and phone number
2. Vehicle description and location
3. Motor Club or if a cash call, credit card number or log in the cash amount
4. The dispatch or P.O. number and time of the call
5. Any other information which will aid us in billing for the service.
6. If a Motor Club does not sound familiar to you, you are to get their 800 number for their accounting, their 800 ERS dispatching and complete mailing address

It has been discussed above that there are three categories of drivers. The flat bed driver can never be the primary driver. He is always the second driver. He simply cannot maneuver fast enough to take the position of the primary driver. If the primary driver decides that he cannot take calls for any period of time then he forfeits his position as primary driver. He then becomes the back up driver. Now as I take the position of the primary driver, I will have been committed to town and will remain in that position until I get a call in the country and return back at the shop at which time the back up driver now becomes the primary driver again and I revert back to the back up driver. Your hours will be greatly reduced as a back up driver. This is more like a part time position. You will only get the overflow, calls that we, the primary and secondary drivers cannot serve in less than an hour. This is not a good move to make if you need income.

Hawaii State License RD-3282
ASE Certified


Dated: ________________________________

To Whom It May Concern:

This is a personal notice from me _________________________________, to The Company. Although there may be certain laws on the books as guidelines from the State Department of Labor and Industrial Relations that does not allow The Company to deduct a certain unknown amount of money from my pay because of a reason not stated in advance allowing for that deduction, I do realize that in order to secure my job at a rate of pay that I have agreed to, I have agreed in advance to be held responsible for the damages I cause. The wording in the contract agreement I signed says specifically: "If you damage a vehicle, you must immediately notify The Company. If you damage a vehicle due to negligence on your part, you will be responsible to personally pay for those repairs." I have signed this agreement to pay for any damages I cause and I authorize The Company to deduct up to $1,000.00 per occurrence which is the amount that is deductible from The Company's insurance policy. I will not contest this amount.

I allow The Company to use this notice as a personal I.O.U. from me to The Company for an unknown amount not to exceed $1,000 per occurrence and that no matter what law exists whether by The State Department of Labor and Industrial relations or anywhere else, by this notice I allow The Company to deduct or withhold from my wages the amount necessary to recover their losses. I also realize that it was because of this provision in This Agreement that allowed me to work at a certain rate of pay and that if this provision did not exist that the pay rate offered to me would have been substantially lower. That if any law still refuses to allow The Company to deduct the reimbursement for those damages, then I allow and consent to have The Company take all the pay I have received as being paid by the hour and reduce those wages to a minimum wage, then refigure the pay which has already been paid to me, then keeping the difference to offset the amount of damages The Company says I caused. I further realize that The Company will not hold any damages against me that I did not cause or that are questionable in nature. I believe that The Company is only trying to recover for any financial obstacle that I may have inadvertently created.

Signed: ______________________________________________________________
Print your name:

Hawaii State License RD-3282
ASE Certified


Dated: ________________________________

To Whom It May Concern:

This is a personal notice from me _________________________________, to The Company. I further realize or understand that

1. I have been placed on a probationary period for the purpose of testing my ability to handle this job, testing my attitude, ability to work with others as well as with the customers. After this probationary period I will then be available for workers compensation, medical and other benefits.
2. I will be assigned to an employee leasing company named "Anew Leasing".
3. I will be hired and or fired by Anew Leasing.
4. I know that I will not be on Haleiwa Off Road Towing Co. payroll.
5. I am responsible for turning in my time on or by Friday in order to have my payroll processed and available in hand by the following Friday.
6. If my time sheet is not turned in on time, not accurate or that there are errors in my reporting of miles that it may delay my getting paid on time.
7. All disciplinary action will come from Haleiwa Off Road Towing Co.
8. All disciplinary action will be in writing and that I am required to sign and acknowledge that an infraction has taken place.
9. I am allowed three notices of disciplinary action within a 12 (twelve) month consecutive period of time before I am to be terminated.
10. This agreement between me and The Company supersedes, overrides and takes priority over any rules set by The State of Hawaii, Department of Labor and Industrial Relations.

It is with this understanding as set forth in Notices 1 & 2 that I agree to work under the direction of Haleiwa Off Road Towing Co. herein called and referred to as "The Company".

Signed: ______________________________________________________________
Print your name:

Hawaii State License RD-3282
ASE Certified

The Company Policy - continued

1. If you are called to do a tow, do not offer to do a jump start instead. Only attempt the jump start if the customer requests it of you. You are not hired for this call to be a mechanic. At least three problems arise when you do something other than what was requested of you.

1.1. If you choose to do a jump instead of a tow and that jump later fails, you now have to return to the scene and now do the tow. The Company will not be paid any extra for the return or the time you spent doing the second call.

1.2. If you were assigned to do another call, that second call will now have to wait that much longer for you to arrive and your second customer may become agitated because he has to wait longer than expected. Your second call was given a certain ETA which you will now not be able to meet.

1.3. If you attempt to clean the customers terminals or do any form of mechanic work on the vehicle when it should have been a simple tow and then something goes wrong, ie: a terminal broke or still doesn't start you have personally bought the problem. Keep it simple, do whatever you are called to do on the call. You do not have to be a hero on this call.

2. If you are dispatched to do a tire change, DO THE TIRE CHANGE. Our Motor Clubs do not pay for tire repairs.
3. The first impression you make on your customer will last. Be sure your clothes are clean and neat. Your truck must always be clean on the outside and on the inside. Your customer may already be nervous riding with someone he or she is not familiar with. Do not give them a reason to validate that fear. Coloring your hair purple with bright green stripes does not add to a serene rapport with your customer. You do not need nose rings and multiple body piercings in order to have something to talk about or as an aid in stimulating the conversation. In fact this would create an additional reason for concern with your customer. This type of dress and demeanor or appearance may offer an expression that is not acceptable to The Company.

3.1. Do you want a tip? You won't get one if the customer is afraid of you or intimidated by you. You need to make your customer want to give you a tip. They're usually ready to give you a tip. They may just want a good reason for doing it. Do not expect a tip. Unlike a fee due to you, you will have to earn it. When your customer does give you a tip, thank them and be sincere about it. Tell them you really appreciate the tip. They will appreciate the acknowledgment.
3.2. Do you like your job? Tell your customer that you like your job. Tell your customer that you like The Company. It will not only create a comfortable working relationship with them, it will also relax the customer knowing and being confirmed by you that he's in good hands, the hands of a professional, the hands of a team player.
3.3. Do you want a good report turned into the insurance company? Do your job like you enjoy doing it. You'll have a more difficult time getting a good report when you start off on the wrong foot.
3.4. Do you want The Company to be remembered in a good light? Then talk good about The Company. Let your customer know you appreciate your job. Be a company man. Tell them of your company loyalty. Tell them how long you've been with The Company and that you plan on being there for years to come.
3.5. What do you want your customer to tell their friends about you? Would you like the comment: "Man you should have seen this weird guy we just got a tow from!" or would you rather hear: "You will really enjoy a tow if you get towed from Haleiwa Off Road Towing Co., their drivers are clean, knowledgeable and very helpful." Which response would you like to receive? You can have only one of them.
3.6. Do you want to have a pleasant conversation with your customer? Talk about the weather. Talk about anything positive. As your customer talks, respond and talk about something he or she's interested in. Do not tell him or her about all your family problems and issues.
3.7. How do you want your customer to remember you? Making a good first impression will always be remembered by your customer. Give them a business card. You are welcome to put your name on the card. If you have a good positive experience, you may then inform them that by calling their insurance company and giving you a personal pat on the back will add to your personal profile. That comment will usually come back to The Company and often in writing. That acknowledgment will then be placed in your folder as a future reference. This may someday be important if at some later date a bad customer makes a false claim against you or slanders you in anyway, I can always refer to your folder and show anyone involved in that altercation that you simply are not that kind of person simply by referencing the return letters in your profile. Build them up. You never know when it will be of use.
3.8. Always tell your customer that their insurance company is one of the best. You have to talk about something while you're with your customer. So talk about something positive and something that will lift their spirits. After all they're broken down and now you are their closest thing to a savior and hero. Milk the opportunity. You never know where it will go.
3.9. Be careful how you talk over the walkie talkie dispatch. DO NOT ever use foul language or language unbecoming of a professional.
3.9.1. There may be others in the background that do not care for that kind of language,
3.9.2. I don't like that kind of language. You will be disciplined and written up if you violate this section of The Company Policy.
3.9.3. Always ask if you and your receiving party are on a secured line before you say anything confidential.

4. Warning: Certain vehicles should not be jumped. Recommendations from those certain dealers advise against the jump. They are: Saab, some BMW's and some Mercedes. The problem is that the boost spike may overload the computer. You will be advised at the time of hookup whether or not to jump or tow the vehicle. Again if the call is a tow, DO NOT jump the vehicle unless the customer requests it of you, then if he does request it, have him/her sign the Liability Waiver to or you are assigned by dispatch to do the jump. If something goes wrong, you may have personally bought the problem.

5. Warning: Be extremely careful if you tow a new (2000 or newer) VW. Most of these vehicles have issues with the location of the oil pan. They are made of plastic and can be damaged with a wheel lift when you hook them up if the tilt is not just right. It is therefore recommended that the VW be flatbed towed. If you choose to do a wheel lift tow on one, it is then recommended that you hook up the vehicle from the back and do a dolly tow on the front. Short of following these recommendations, and you damage the oil pan, you will be personally responsible to pay for those damages.

6. Warning: You are not to drive on your dolly tires faster than 45 mph.

7. Never Never allow your customers to ride in their towed vehicle. If you cannot fit your customers in your truck, then they are to arrange for a ride from some other means.

8. We are not a taxi service. However if you drop your vehicle at one location, you may drop your customer off at a second location if: 1) the second drop off point is on the way to your next destination or call or 2) the second drop off point is within 2 miles of where you dropped off their vehicle or 3) they pay you a $6 per mile fee to cover the cost of your fuel. You are to record this income the same as over miles are logged into your worksheets.

9. Never Never allow the customers pets to ride in the truck. No baby diaper changes are allowed in the truck. No activity that can create a lasting smell is allowed in the truck at any time, including smoking. There is a NO SMOKING policy in any company vehicle, even by the customer, even if he begs.

10. Warning: You do not have to be a hero. If your customer asks you to back the contracted vehicle down a narrow driveway, up a hill into a garage or do any type of drop off other than at the assigned address, you may be buying a personal liability. You do not have to do any spectacular drop offs in order to fulfill our contracted agreement. Simply say to the customer that you do not wish to assume any liability for anything other than dropping the vehicle at the address given. If they chose to waive the liability for any unusual activity for services they require of you, simply have them sign the liability waiver form and free yourself from any unknown and unforseen consequences.

11. You have been trained and educated to drive The Company vehicle assigned to you as a professional. If you have any questions as to how to perform a certain tow, call either me or Jeff and we will instruct you further. Failure to perform the tow, maneuver your vehicle or service call in a safe, proper and professional manner may result in your being responsible for your actions or lack of action for not following this portion of The Company policy. You are required to observe and obey all traffic laws. You will report to The Company and then pay for any traffic violations you receive. Do not abuse your power to drive an emergency vehicle in order to save time or to hurry to a call unless you have been dispatched to expedite your call by your dispatcher or HPD.

12. You have been trained and educated to use the tools provided by The Company assigned to your vehicle. If you have any questions as to how to use those tools under conditions with which you may be unfamiliar, call either me or Jeff and we will instruct you further. Failure to use those tools in a safe, proper and professional manner may result in your being responsible for your actions or lack of action for not following this portion of The Company policy.

13. You have been provided a safety vest and a pair of Company issued gloves for use while you are outside your vehicle for any call. You are advised and required to use them. If you chose not to use them and an incident occurs wherein the safety vest or the gloves would have minimized, reduced or eliminated the situation or incident all together, you will be held personally responsible for your actions or lack of action for not following this portion of The Company policy.

14. If you find any tools missing from your truck at the point of time that you have taken control of the vehicle or as soon as that loss has been discovered, you are to report that loss or missing tools or articles assigned to that truck to either Jeff or me. One of us will investigate who used the vehicle last and correct the issue before too much time has passed making the loss ambiguous or hard to discover the events that lead up to that loss.

15. Running out of fuel is not an option. You have been given a number of places on the island where you can purchase fuel on The Company's account. You know how much fuel is in the main tank as well as in your spare tank. You have a working fuel gauge on your truck. You know when you transferred your last tank of fuel. There is no excuse for running out of fuel ever. If you chose to ignore your fuel gauge and you do run out of fuel, you will be responsible to pay for the towing charges or any other charges that occur as a result of that incident. The last two times a worker ran out of fuel in a truck, the repair costs mounted close to $500 per incident. The Company will no longer tolerate your lack of consideration for your equipment. Here is a list of issues you create by running out of fuel:

15.1. You cannot be used to service or respond to calls until your truck is back up and running.
15.2. We will have to remove a second driver and truck from service in order to cater to your negligence.
15.3. Your truck will most likely need to be towed back to the shop in order to clean out and prime the fuel lines, change the filters including possible damage to the fuel pump and injectors.
15.4. Seeing that we are a small company, your actions will probably shut down our ability to tow or service our Motor Club and cash customers until our second driver finishes delivering your truck back to the shop for the needed repairs.
15.5. You will have shut down our repair shop because Jeff will now have to give your truck full attention to get you back in service. So now the mechanic shop will also have to shut down and his customers will have to wait.
15.6. Depending on the vehicle you are driving, you have a minimum of 100 gallons of fuel on your flatbed, a 40 gallon spare tank on the F-550 and only I drive the 5500 GMC. So each of the two trucks you will be assigned to will have a minimum of 75 gallons of fuel. Sufficient enough to drive the full day if not two days before you need fuel. So when you are required to fuel up daily, I find it difficult that you would ever run out of fuel. Yet this amazing feat has been accomplished 3 times in the last 2 months. Makes you proud doesn't it?
15.7. Running a truck out of fuel causes major damage to our trucks. The truck will suck any and all rubbish that remains in the tank causing damage to the injectors, the fuel pump, the fuel filters and the fuel lines. If your negligence damages the oil pump which feeds the injectors, or any other parts listed or not listed, the damage caused could be well over $1,200. You will be responsible to pay for those damages. Since you probably don't have that much money owed to you by The Company, you will probably chose to quit your job rather than pay for the repairs. In this case your running out of fuel will have cost you your job. Do not take running out of fuel lightly. The Company frowns on it.

16. You are not allowed to use The Company trucks for your own personal use or to do tows for anyone unless it is reported to The Company and there is a charge attached to that tow. If you use The Company vehicle and are not on company business and you are involved in an accident or altercation of some type or someone reports that you are doing something unauthorized or unsafe and The Company knows that you are not on a call, it could cost you your job. My reasoning is that this probably is not the first time you have done this. Therefore if you have done this bad thing and have been caught, then you have probably done this before and have simply gotten away with it. It sheds a light on you that you cannot be trusted and that you may also be doing other things that are not ethical. It also lends support to the fact that you have ignored this company rule, why wouldn't you ignore other company rules.

17. If you come up on or find yourself at an accident scene the following procedure is required for safety with regards to the incident or accident. If you come upon an accident wherein there is no incident management and you have become the first responder, you have by rule of law become the incident manager. You are to turn on your emergency flashers then you are to block the lane or lanes involved in the incident by turning your vehicle at an angle sufficient to protect the scene. The angle you should choose is leaving the passenger side of your vehicle facing the on coming traffic and the drivers side of your vehicle facing the accident. You are to immediately call 911 to report the accident, explaining the location and what emergency vehicles are needed. After you have given sufficient information to the 911 dispatcher, you are to call your on duty dispatcher and inform him of the incident. You may then secure the scene. However you are not to remove any vehicle, debris or adjust the scene in any way, except to assist those who may be injured. Then you may begin to secure the scene by setting up your safety flares, cones or warning devices by installing them at an angle sufficient to warn other on coming vehicles who may not be aware of the incident.

17.1. As soon as HPD or HFD shows up to the scene, you are to turn over the incident control to whoever first responds.
17.2. You may then ask what he wants you to do to be of assistance. Get that incident responders name. Note it in your work sheet.
17.3. Follow his/her instructions to the best of your ability. If you are asked to continue on scene or to direct traffic, refer to your training as to control the incident within the guidelines of safety. Remember, you are a professional and that you represent The Company. Decisions you make and the actions you take may affect the integrity, safety and security of the scene.
17.4. There is a "Good Samaritan Law" that applies here. I am currently doing research on that law so as to know how to instruct you on your response. This information will be posted at a later date.

18. Should you make a decision that causes a potential or impending loss to any other individual or to The Company and that decision you made was or initially appears to be outside of the scope of these guidelines, an incident report will be opened and reviewed by either Jeff or myself. It will be our position to do our best to give preferentiality in your favor if the decision you made would be one that follows as best as possible these guidelines or the guidelines of common sense and safety given the circumstances surrounding the incident.

19. Should an incident occur with your involvement, you are to report it immediately to The Company then either Jeff or I will make an immediate assessment of the incident, then given the amount of damage caused, the amount of income due you at the time of the incident and then considering all the known facts, you may be temporarily suspended without pay as one of us considers the issues involved. If it seems by either one of us that your actions contributed to or caused the loss, then a dollar amount will be established and identified, brought to your attention and then deducted from any amount due you. If we feel or it becomes established that you were not a contributing factor or that others will be assuming the liability, you may continue on without having anything deducted from your pay or funds then due you.

20. My intention and objective is to build a towing company with those that will help me set the pace in the industry. I aim to have a company that takes the lead in qualified, well trained, courteous, honest, clean drivers using the best in equipment. I want to offer the best in employee benefits, including medical, profit sharing, retirement programs and yearly bonuses. I can only accomplish and achieve my goals if I can get the full support, cooperation and input of and from the workers. I want workers who are proud to call Haleiwa Off Road Towing Co. their company. I want Motor Clubs begging us to do their work. I want other towing companies to envy our direction. Those that are working now are first in line to become a part of this organization, to watch it grow and stabilize.

21. If you receive a notice stating that you have violated a company policy, you will be required to sign the acceptance of that notice. If you receive three notices within any consecutive 12 month period, you will, at the option of The Company, be terminated. If you refuse to sign that notice of the stated violation(s), you may be terminated immediately.

22. The Company does not observe holidays. You are required to work on the days assigned to you. For example, if you are required to work Monday thru Friday with only week ends off, then you will be required to work those days every week without time off. If a holiday falls on one of those days, ie: Monday or Friday and you decide that you need that time off so you call in sick or simply don't show, you will receive a Disciplinary Warning in writing referencing this portion of The Company Policy. You are not allowed to be sick the day before or after any holiday. People break down and need assistance 7 days a week 24 hours a day. The Company is under contract to address those issues. If you are not available to aid The Company to service this contract, The Company will be required to find someone else who will. The Company is an emergency response company building a team that services those having an emergency vehicular issue. If you selectively choose which jobs you will or will not take or when you will or will not report for duty and The Company were to allow this attitude to infiltrate others on the team then eventually in a short time, there will be no team but only a bunch of people running around wearing the same uniform. I will not allow this way of thinking to penetrate or diffuse the efforts I have created. If you find this portion of The Policy difficult to follow, then it would be better for you and for The Company for you to leave while still in good standing and seek other employment and/or a means of income from some place else.

I have read and understood all the regulations listed in this section of The Company Policy and have agreed to abide by them. I also understand that The Policy may change from time to time and that I will be given a copy of all those changes as they become available. It is then up to me to read, know and agree to follow those addendums. If at any time I feel that The Company's policy violates a direction that I have chosen in my life or puts me in a position that creates difficulties within my family or for any other reason that I feel does not agree with me that I may voluntarily leave The Company in good standing.

Understood & Agreed - signed:____________________________________
Print Name:

Hawaii State License RD-3282
ASE Certified



This notice is being sent to you because you have violated a portion of The Company policy. The policy is the foundation of The Company. If you violate any portion of this policy, you will be written up and at the option of The Company suspended for the remainder of the day. In the least, you will be written up and the violation will be placed in your company folder for reference at a future day. You have received ________ violations to date.



I have been served with this disciplinary notice and have acknowledged the infraction:


Hawaii State License RD-3282
ASE Certified


Following the rules for the job of dispatching are critical to The Companies operations. They include everything from giving proper ETA's to equipment needed to billing a proper MC. I have listed some of the more important items, regulations and policy necessary to anybody assigned to caring for this duty. If you are a worker or a sub-contractor, you are to follow and respect the dispatcher as an integral part for the success of a call. You are to read this notice, understand what is required of you - the driver and what is expected of the dispatcher on duty. He/She has a major roll in keeping proper records. Your support and cooperation is essential. If you are assigned the job of dispatching:

1. You are to write each call on it's own separate page. Do not double up calls 2 to a page. You have been provided with yellow legal tablets approx. 5" X 8" in dimension. They have been provided to you for free. Use them. When you need more, ask for them and they will be given to you. I do not know you need more unless you ask for them.
2. The first question MC will ask you is "what is your name!" Dispatcher is to be courteous to the MC and the customer by making certain they know your name as well as The Company name. You are to answer all MC's questions clearly and slowly because MC may not be able to speak our language clearly and does not understand where places are on our island. Compared to the mainland, we have a unique situation here and you need to treat the conversation as if they do not speak or understand our language.
3. Do not assume that MC is saying the name of the street location correctly. Ask them to spell it out for you. Be sure you understand the spelling of all streets and cross streets before you disconnect from them. Once you have been disconnected you will not be able to gather any more information without calling the customer. You may ask to speak to the customer to get a better understanding of where the customer is, especially if they are in a shopping area like Ala Moana. Ask which store they are fronting as well as what level of the mall on which they are parked.
4. The next question MC will ask you is "what is your ETA!" You need to know where your drivers are throughout the day. This way you will not have to guess at where they are. You are also to inform your drivers that they are to tell you when they change locations. There's nothing more frustrating than giving a 15 minute ETA thinking your driver is at a certain location, when your drivers have changed their location without telling you and are now 45 minutes from their destination.
4.1. Established waiting locations are: Walmart – Keeaumoku, Waialae Chevron by the airport, Windward Mall, Castle Junction and Pearl Ridge.
5. Anytime you give an ETA, you should always give a very very low ETA. If possible less than 30 minutes. Hopefully between 15-20 minutes. You can do this if you keep in touch with your drivers. If you cannot make a short ETA, what is the reason?
5.1. Not enough drivers?
5.2. Too busy?
5.3. Didn't know where the customer was located?
6. You are also to inform your driver what his ETA is by giving him that ETA in minutes as well as the time. For example if the time now is 11:50 and you give your driver a 20 minute ETA you are to tell your driver: "Your call is located at . . .You have a 20 minute ETA, be there by 11:10! If you are going to be late, call your customer! His number is . . . . !" Then when it is close to 11:10, you are to call your driver and ask him if he's been in touch with his customer validating that he will be there on time. Yes this takes extra effort, but it improves communication, costs nothing and shows everybody that you are in charge of and have responsibility for this call!
7. The next question MC will ask you is "how many miles to the nearest dealer!" You should know where the nearest dealer is, or approximately how far the customer is from the nearest dealer.
8. You are next to tell your driver for how many miles his customer is covered. Usually this will be for a minimum of 5 miles or if longer then to the nearest dealer matching the description for his vehicle.
9. If your driver gets to the call and can't find his customer, he is to inform you.
10. If your driver gets to the call and needs extra equipment, he is to inform you.
11. If he needs extra time to get to the call he is to inform you.
12. When he gets to the call, he is to call you and tell you he is there.
13. If he notices any damage to the vehicle before he picks it up, he is to fill out a vehicle damage sheet before he hooks up and is to have the customer sign and date the damage report.
14. When he drops off, he is to inform you.
15. If he damages the vehicle in any way, he is to inform you immediately and you are to note the damage on your call sheet and turn in that report to me with your dispatch sheets.
16. You, the dispatcher, are to call me if you need extra equipment, a flatbed, dolly or whatever, you are to call in to me and report what is needed and why and I will inform MC-ERS so that we can do the billing properly.
16.1. Otherwise we may have worked for free for that call or
16.2. In the event that something goes wrong we will be protected.
16.3. If you need additional equipment such as a dolly you do not accept the MC's OK. You are to get the name of the supervisor and document it next to the Purchase Order.
16.4. In the event that you are dispatching and I cannot be reached because I am out of range of contact, traveling or in a meeting, you are to hold onto your notes and when I get back in range, I will immediately contact you and gather your notes and make the necessary calls to MC and correct or adjust all the notes you have gathered.
16.5. If it turns out that a dolly is needed, you must get an "OK", approval from a supervisor. The dispatcher giving you the call at that time may say that it's OK to use a dolly, but he/she may not be aware that a supervisors permission is necessary. This is mandatory if we are to be paid for the service performed.
17. You are to note on every call, in writing, who is the assigned driver and what is his assigned ETA.
18. If your driver shows up to the assigned location and he cannot find the customer, he is to call the on duty dispatcher immediately. You as the dispatcher do not want him driving around for 10-15 minutes looking for the customer at our expense. Your driver is to call in immediately and inform you that the customer is not where you expected him to be. You, the dispatcher are then to call me, give me the name and P.O. number of the customer and the MC who originated the call and I will get in touch with that MC and get a GOA. Then if by some chance your driver finds the customer, he is to inform you again. You, the dispatcher will then call me and let me know that the customer has been found and that the tow or service can be made. I will then call MC and get another P.O. for this call. Otherwise we would have wasted 10-15 minutes of our time without pay or in the least we would have missed our ETA which would give us a negative black mark with MC. This goes on our record and will eventually affect the amount of calls we get from that MC.
19. On CCMC calls, your customer will be given an automatic call-back from his insurance company. If you are late, MC will call you and ask what your updated ETA is. You can avoid this call if your driver informs you he is running late. Then it is up to you, the dispatcher to call the customer and inform him or her that you are running late. Inform your customer of your new ETA. Then inform him or her that their insurance company will call them at their assigned ETA by way of an automatically generated phone recording to check on our status. They are to press "1" on their phone. This will inform MC that you have either arrived or have made contact with the customer and that your arrival is eminent. This way The Company will not be penalized for a late ETA.
19.1. A late ETA one time here and there will not affect our scoring. Continued late ETA's not only damage our scoring but will eventually cost us future calls with that MC.
19.2. Too long of ETA's with any MC will eventually damage that relationship with the MC and will damage our relationship with them or cost us future calls with that MC.
19.3. Again it is critical to give short but accurate ETA's with any MC.
19.4. On all CCMC calls you are to inform your driver that this is a CCMC call (different from other MC's) in that your driver is required to get a full VIN and Odometer reading. This is a mandatory requirement on all CCMC calls in order for us to get paid.
19.5. For now and until further notice we are not accepting CCMC calls. If CCMC should call in and you are on duty for dispatching, you are only allowed to accept a Credit Card number for any service performed either from CCMC or from the customer. DO NOT ACCEPT A P.O. NUMBER FROM CCMC.
20. You are to question your driver as to where his call is located by area and then inform me so that I can create on the faxed in work order just how many unloaded miles there were on each call.
21. Now is your chance to question MC! After now knowing where your customer is located, if it happens to be in a town area, you may question:
21.1. "Are there any height clearances about which you have to be concerned?"
21.2. "Will there be any passengers riding?"
22. The next statement MC will give you is the P.O. number. Be certain to not only write this number down, but also to repeat it to MC to be certain you have recorded it accurately. Without the proper P.O. number, in case the fax does not get sent properly or is distorted in any way, we will either not be able to trace the call or we may not get paid for the call.
23. You, being the temporary dispatcher, must keep accurate records and turn them in daily. And you are to stay on top of your drivers by knowing where they are and what they are doing.
23.1. If in the event I am off island, you may turn in those records to anyone at The Shop and they are to then fax them to me at a location they will know.
23.2. Or you may be in a position to get those records directly to me, you will have to scan them and then Email them to
23.3. Either way, I need to have the information daily.
24. You are to write down any questions you have about dispatching and I will answer them as they surface and incorporate them as a part of this notice.
25. If for any reason you cannot complete your assignment as a dispatcher you are to call me immediately and I will transfer that obligation to someone else who can monitor the calls.
26. You are to leave your phone on and on your person at all times. Never leave your phone at a location separate from yourself or at a distance where you cannot hear it ring or cannot retrieve the call before the third ( 3rd ) ring.
27. If you are answering a call and another call comes in, you are to place call #1 on hold while you answer call #2. Tell caller #2 to hold on while you retrieve information from caller #1. After you have documented all the information from caller #1, you may then continue with caller #2. After you have documented all the information from caller #2 you may then dispatch each call to the appropriate driver.
28. If you receive a cash call from either MC or from a customer, you are to get
28.1. The customers name,
28.2. The customers call back
28.3. The customers address
28.4. The customers sixteen ( 16 ) digit Credit Card number written clearly on a separate page in groups of four ( 4 )
28.5. And the expiration date all before you commit or dispatch your driver to the call. Be certain that the expiration date has not already expired.
28.6. Inform the customer that there is a GOA fee once you have been committed and have dispatched the call.
28.7. Call in that credit card either to me or to someone at the shop immediately.
28.8. Get the customers fax number or the mailing address where we can send the customer a receipt.

If you have been assigned this duty it is because you have already earned the trust of The Company. Please do not take this responsibility lightly. Every call you receive is a record of importance. The Companies payroll and financial existence relies on the dispatchers accurate records. When you receive then record a call, it may be the only record that the call took place. Should you lose, damage, record the call improperly or illegibly there may be no way to retrieve a validation of the call at some later date.

1. The dispatchers written report is of primary importance.
2. The drivers copy of his records is of primary importance.
3. The turning in of those records promptly and accurately is of primary importance.

At this point in time we are only accepting MC calls from: GEICO, American Traveler, Auto Help Line, All State, Coach Net, Quest, G.E. Financial (call in to verify), Asurion (call in to verify) and USAC (call in to verify). We are not accepting calls from CCMC (Cross Country or Road America). ON EACH CALL A P.O. NUMBER IS MANDITORY!!

Hawaii State License RD-3282 A.S.E. Certified


1. Always have your phone on and next to you 24/7/365 including in the shower or wherever you happen to be or go. This should allow you to respond within 3 rings of any attempted dispatch. If you choose not to be on the dispatch call list, simply return your truck and inform The Company and you will be removed until you choose to be back on call.

2. Keep a pen and pad of paper next to your phone which is also next to you. Use only one page per call. Do not bunch up 2-3 or more calls on one page. It makes things very difficult to cross check at some later date.

3. You will be given the dispatch customers name, call back (if any), location, description of the vehicle and ETA at the time of the dispatch.

4. At the time of dispatch, you will be given the drop off location authorized by the MC. Any changes to that drop off location must be forwarded to The Company. I will then forward that information to MC to verify coverage. If for any reason MC denies a second drop off point or if the customer is not covered for the distance, you are to charge any additional miles at the rate of $6.00 per mile. If you fail to inform The Company of these changes and/or fail to charge the customer for the additional miles, you will cost The Company the fuel and time The Company is rightfully due.

5. A critical part of this dispatch is knowing and responding properly to your given ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival). ETA's are given by dispatcher to the MC in a fair amount of time allowed in which you should be able to respond to your call if traffic, weather and road conditions allow. If for any reason problems are encountered you are instructed to call your customer within 5 minutes of that ETA to let them know that you are running late. You will then give the customer a new ETA and for CCMC calls only tell them that when their insurance company calls on their "automatic call back" to check on our status to press "1" on their phone so that we will not be docked for a late ETA. And then call in to our dispatch and inform dispatcher that you are running late so that I may also make note of the new ETA.

6. In case there exists someone who needs to know why dispatcher need to be informed on a certain dispatch before he chooses to respond, here is that reason. If the MC calls back because you have not responded and you have not called in to tell me that you're running late, dispatcher has no way to respond to MC except to say, "I don't know." Because dispatcher may be on the phone that needs to make contact with you, dispatcher cannot respond to MC until I/he/she gets them off the phone. Your lack of consideration for the customer will then make us look very unprofessional since we cannot contact you to find out why you're late or to find out how much longer you will take to get to the customer.

7. If you cannot telephonically contact your customer, call The Company dispatch line and inform someone of the problem. Dispatcher will then pursue that contact and relay information to you regarding the call.

8. Always call in to dispatch to inform the dispatcher that you have either arrived on or are approaching the scene. Then be sure to log in and call in your loaded and unloaded / enroute miles at the time of service. It will help out our billing procedure immensely.

9. On CCMC calls only you need to obtain the VIN and OD. Although the entire VIN is needed, often I have often received the first 14 digits of the VIN and can forward them to you. In that case, you will only need the last 3 numbers of the VIN. If for any reason the OD is not obtainable, you are to log in 00000 into the Odometer box on your work sheet.

10. If you forget to get the VIN on a certain vehicle, it will be your responsibility to return to the vehicle or call the customer to obtain it on your own time.

11. If you choose to have lunch or frequent a certain area of the island waiting for your next call, you are to inform me of that location and any changed location after that. When a call comes in, I will dispatch you from there and estimate your next ETA from that location.

12. If you receive cash from a certain call, you are to log in the amount received on your work sheet. You may keep the cash as a cash advance to you. This amount will be deducted from your wages at the end of the week. You are to use this cash for fuel, if needed during the week in case I cannot be reached to fuel your truck. You are to keep the receipt as this amount will be reimbursed to you. You are to turn in any checks or credit card numbers you receive at the end of each working day. Be sure to get the full 16 (sixteen) numbers on the credit card as well as the expiration date.

13. Always call dispatch and inform the dispatcher when you have dropped your vehicle.

It is my intention to run this shop professionally so that our reputation becomes elevated above all others, so that This Company sets the standard for other towers to follow. I do not intend to accelerate my business to the top of the MC's list by criticizing, verbally slamming or passing judgment on other companies. I will not allow any Sub-Contractor signed with this company to talk stink about any other company in order to hasten our own status in the eyes of the MC's, other companies or their employees. Your continued association with This Company demands that you respect others and act in a professional manner yourself.

At times you may become disgruntled by the activity and/or language of a certain customer. Although this is not a common occurrence, should this happen you are to dismiss the issue peacefully. You only have to be with the customer for a short time. Remember a peaceful approach to any situation defuses a potentially uncomfortable future problem which neither you nor The Company wants.

I have read, understand and will abide by all of the above:______________________________.

Hawaii State License RD-3282
ASE Certified

PROCEDURES ON – Difficult or Disgruntled Customers

Is it easy to handle difficult people? NO! In fact it is even harder when they are angry. Many people are already angry when you show up to perform your duty. So, in the towing business most of us think difficult people just come with the territory. Most often, encounters with angry customers occur on a daily basis. Whether one-on-one or on the phone, they can be much more than mere challenges. If you can't handle and cope with them, they can hurt your productivity, dampen your morale, drain your energy, cause you stress and simply make you downright miserable. Let's not forget to mention what they can do to your blood pressure.

You can't avoid difficult customers. What you can do is learn how to cope with them by shifting into the right mind-set and communicating with them in a confident, competent and non-combative way. If you chose to retaliate and take matters in your own hand, imagine what the consequences might be!
1. You could go to jail for assault. This could separate yourself from your friends and family by being in jail. Sometimes up to a year or more. During that time you're in jail, you will probably even forget the person you punched out or why you responded by fighting in the first place.
2. You could be sued and worse yet get The Company sued by your negative actions.
3. You could lose your job.
4. You could hurt someone and maybe even kill someone if they had a physical condition unknown to you.
5. Do you want to spend the next 20 years in jail for killing somebody even though it was unintentional?

The following are five methods and skills to assist you in this area.

1. Immediately shift into the "Stay Calm" mind-set. When dealing with a difficult person, it's easy to lose your cool, become defensive or attack the other person, especially if they are angry and upset. If you do lose control, you will make the person even more angry and cause yourself unnecessary stress. To accelerate a negative attitude can only create more tension in a lose-lose confrontation where nobody wins.
2. Remember what an angry person wants. What they really want is to vent their anger. You just happen to be their scape goat at the time. Unfortunately, they take their anger out on you and blame you for what happened even though you're just doing your job. Now imagine if you're late on your ETA? You're right again. They now have another reason for exploding.
3. Do not Judge or try to correct them. An encounter with an angry customer who parked their car in the wrong place or got themselves into trouble with the law is a common occurrence. It's not your place to judge or correct them. If they are angry with you, never make the statement, "Didn't you see the 'NO PARKING' sign?" or "You shouldn't drink and drive, see what happens?" Rather, your job is to service them, collect their money and send them on their merry way. If you can manage to calm them down and send them out the door in a better state of mind, then you have handled the situation well.
4. Get comfortable with a verbal cushion. When someone is angry, challenges you or becomes truly irate, you need to defuse the situation. You can do that by memorizing some verbal cushions! These are designed to cushion their challenging or angry words and help you to service them more effectively.
4.1. "I don't blame you for being upset, nobody wants to get in an accident."
4.2. "Man, I'm real sorry this happened to you"
4.3. "I'm on my way but because of this heavy traffic, I can only go so fast. I am hurrying to you as fast as I can, I should be there in _____ minutes!"
4.4. I appreciate your thinking that the over-mileage is expensive, but I assure you that our charges are set by the company. I have a print out of our rate sheet if you'd like to see it.
4.5. I understand your position. But when we're called by the property manager to tow your vehicle, we are under contract to respond. If we didn't tow your car, some other company would have. And believe me, I know it sucks to have your car towed. This is the one part of this job I don't like. Usually we're the hero and always thanked for our services.
5. Learn how to handle irate customers one at a time. Foul language, slander and verbal abuses are common tools used by those who feel the world has turned on them or when their chips are down. They are not mad at you, they are mad at their own situation. You just happen to be the one on whom they can vent because for no other reason than, "you were just there."

Before you do anything, THINK . . . is it really worth it? Imagine . . . what if? Can I afford to do this? Be committed in advance that you will not respond negatively or sink to his level.

Hawaii State License RD-3282
ASE Certified

Driving Procedures

While you are driving in a company truck, you are a rolling billboard. You can either advertise for the good or for the bad. Whatever you do reflects on the company either for the positive or the negative. How you drive for other companies is of no concern to me. How you drive for this company is of major concern to me. So much of a concern that it has been noted in other sections of this manual that 3 (three) driving violations registered against you in a year are grounds for termination. Each of these items listed below, if discovered will log in a driving violation on your record. The way you drive tells me just how much you value your job and how much respect you have for The Company. Although the items listed below may appear to be common sense good driving habits, they are common driving errors that I see other drivers from other companies practice. So much so that it has caused me to create this notice so that you are fully informed as to what I expect from you as a representative of The Company.

1. Always give way to the other person. You are rarely in such a hurry that you have no time to be polite and courteous. Example: When you are driving down a street and another vehicle is trying to enter into that street, give way to him. It costs you no time to be polite and the benefits usually far outweigh the time lost.
2. If you're driving on a street in a residential neighborhood, you must remember that there are children present. Take the lead in good driving. You do not want to be driving in a neighborhood with irate parents calling the company to complain about your poor driving habits.
3. Never under any circumstances throw anything out of the window of your truck. There is no excuse for littering. Whether or not it is against the law is not the issue. It's wrong. Gather up your litter in one area of your vehicle and then when you fuel up or eat lunch, then you clean up and throw away your litter.
4. Be careful as to what you place on the back of the bed of your truck. Because of the condition of our highways in the islands, items tend to shift around. Check them from time to time and know that the tires, chains, cables, blocks of wood or whatever you have back there is secure and cannot fall off without your knowledge.
5. You must never get so disgruntled with another driver that you show his disrespect by swearing at him or her, whether by use of hand signs or by your verbal expressions. Simply look the other way and get over it. It won't be the last time that someone offends you. Do not let it get to you. There's lots of jerks out there. Don't become one of them. Do not stoop to their level.
6. Do not over-stare, whistle or yell at girls. They don't like it and it makes you look immature and childish, while you appear to others as desperate and hopeless.

Good driving habits can be contagious. You are being trained and paid as a professional I expect you to act the part.

Hawaii State License RD-3282 A.S.E. Certified


1. Upon locating the vehicle's battery, first determine whether or not there is corrosion or residue on the terminals.
2. Take a reading with your multi-meter and determine what amount of voltage and what amount of amperage is in the battery.
3. If the battery has less than 12.10 volts, perform the jump start.
4. With the motor running, test the voltage and see what the charging rate is.
4.1. Should be between 13.25 and 14.5 volts.
4.2. If the reading is less than 13.25 volts the alternator is faulty and in need of replacement. The vehicle should not be allowed to be driven. The vehicle needs to be towed. Call in to dispatch and inform him that the vehicle needs to be towed. Then after given approval, proceed to the repair shop of the customers choice, keeping track of the mileage.
5. Once the vehicle has been jump started, do not shut off the motor for any reason. Finish your job, complete your paperwork and leave.
6. You are not to spend time cleaning the terminals or attempting to fix anything or diagnose the problem with the vehicle. You are simply to share with the customer the terminal readings and inform the customer.
6.1. If you choose to perform some repair on the vehicle and something goes wrong, you will have personally bought the liability. Any repairs after that will be at your personal expense.
6.2. You may suggest that the customer pour sparkling / carbonated water on his terminals to clean them. Do not do this for them unless they ask you and provide their own water. The longer you stay with the customer trying to help, the more chances you have of becoming liable for something you may feel obligated to do.

Hawaii State License RD-3282
ASE Certified


The Company has decided to use a service vehicle to take the burden off of the various tow trucks in further servicing the MC's. The service vehicle will concentrate on tire changes, fuel deliveries, lock-out's and jump starts. When it comes to jump starts there is a mandatory procedure to follow.

1. Secure your vehicle in a safe manner so as to be out of the way of the stream of traffic. Be sure always to keep your eye on your vehicle while you are servicing your customer for someone else who may be lurking in the vicinity. Do not leave your vehicle unattended at any time. You will be responsible for any losses that occur do to your negligence.
2. Get your booster pack and multi-meter ready next to the customers vehicle.
3. Check the voltage of the battery
4. Check the amperage of the battery
5. Inform your customer what the readings are
6. If the battery has voltage but no amperage, you may jump start the vehicle but inform him/her that they may not make it to their destination since the vehicle is running solely on the power from the alternator.
7. You may offer to sell your customer a battery. Installation of a battery costs $15.00 plus the cost of the battery. (refer to the price list)
8. You are to thoroughly clean the battery terminals, then install the new battery. You need to keep records of which battery you sold the customer noting the serial number and model of each battery on the receipt. You are then to turn in those receipts each day. The Company will keep record of any and all receipts of record for warranty purposes.
9. You must give your customer a company card noting when the battery was installed and the length of the warranty of the battery stating that the battery warranty is in full force for the first year and then pro-rated after that.
10. During any of the services offered by The Company, you are to have your customer sign the applicable liability waiver freeing you and The Company for any liability which may surface or appear to surface at some later date due to any occurrence beyond your control.

Hawaii State License RD-3282
ASE Certified


This list will help locate batteries in locations other than in the engine compartment.

Vehicle Battery Location

1. BMW (most models) In trunk on right side, if you change the
battery, be certain to hookup the vent tube
2. Buick LeSabre (2001 - 05) Under rear seat bottom
3. Buick Riviera (1994 - 97) Under rear seat bottom
4. Cadillac Deville (2000 - 05) Under rear seat bottom
5. Chevrolet Cobalt (2000 – 06) In spare tire well in trunk
6. Chevrolet Corvette (1972 – 80) In floor compartment, behind driver seat
7. Mazda Miata (all through 2005) In trunk on passenger side
8. Mercedes ML class (2006) Under passenger seat
9. Mercedes SL and SLK class Two batteries: 1 under hood and 1 in trunk
10. Buick Park Avenue (2001 – 05) Under rear seat bottom
11. Pontiac Bonneville (2001 – 05) Under rear seat bottom
12. Porsche Boxster, Carerra In luggage compartment under hood
13. Porsche Cayenne (2004 – 06) Under drivers seat (may have second battery
under rear cargo compartment
14. Porsche 928 (all years) Under floor of trunk – under spare tire
15. Saturn Ion (2004 – 06) In spare tire well in trunk
16. Toyota Prius (2001 – 03) In trunk on driver side
17. Toyota Prius (2004 – 06) In trunk on passenger side
18. Toyota Van (first generation) In floor compartment behind drivers seat
19. VW Beetle early model, type 2 Under rear seat
20. VW Touareg (2004 – 06) Under drivers seat (may have second battery
under rear cargo compartment
21. Volvo SL 680 In trunk, center. You will need ½" open end
wrench or socket to remove the cover plate in order to jump or change the battery. There are no jumping posts on this vehicle.

Hawaii State License RD-3282 A.S.E. Certified

PROCEDURES ON – Flatbed / Wrecker Hookups

1. Because we do not know the condition of your vehicle before the dispatch for a tow, it is important that you understand that we, its heirs, assigns, drivers, sister companies or insurances which may have an interest in protecting and or defending it (hereinafter The Company) cannot accept a potential liability for damages that are or may have been pre-existing. Therefore, although we are professionals in our ability to transport your vehicle from one place to another and although we are fully insured, the possible liability still exists that someone at some time may try and claim a damage to their vehicle and it may be that you did not know of that pre-existing damage. In order to hedge off those possibilities, we require you to sign this liability waiver in order to safeguard us against a claim. For example:

2. You have lost your keys and the vehicle cannot be placed in neutral in order to roll freely. When we winch your vehicle onto our bed, the front right drive tire will not roll. Although we will use skates and/or a lubricant to on load and off load the vehicle, the tire will/may be locked in position. Should someone now determine that there exists damage to the transmission or to the drive-train, by signing this form, you release The Company from any claims which may arise at some later date.

3. If the vehicle is an all wheel drive or a 4 wheel drive the same situation exists but in this case perhaps the two rear, all four or any combination of tires are locked in position and will not roll freely. Although we will/may use skates and/or a lubricant to on load and off load the vehicle, the tire(s) will/may be locked in position. Should someone now determine that there exists damage to the transmission or to the drive-train, by signing this form, you release us from any claims which may arise at some later date.

4. If your vehicle has been lowered and we winch it up onto our bed, if the skirts or under carriage becomes scratched or altered or damaged in any way that you agree not to hold The Company responsible for those damages or if any modifications to your vehicle have been made that make it difficult to tow it safely, you waive any liability to The Company leaving us harmless.

5. In any event, all things herein stated and/or implied by example, I have signed below stating that my vehicle was satisfactorily towed to a destination of my choice and that I have released The Company without any further obligations towards me or my vehicle.

Signed: ______________________________ Vehicle: _______________________________
Print name: Dated:

Hawaii State License RD-3282 A.S.E. Certified


This is to certify that I/we am the rightful owner and/or have been assigned use of and responsibility for the following vehicle:

YEAR_____ MAKE_________ MODEL________ COLOR________

I have asked Haleiwa Off Road Towing Co. to open my vehicle with EMERGENCY ENTRY TOOLS. I understand that the tower will be exercising his best care in attempting to enter my vehicle during this emergency procedure. I further understand that it is possible to damage class (especially tinted glass), rubber, paint, wiring, the locking mechanism and other mechanisms or devices while attempting to attain entry without the use of a key. I also understand that manufacturers design and construct vehicles to guard against entry without a key; but, in short, I am desperate and this in an EMERGENCY.
Having been made aware of the conditions listed herein, I will not hold this company, its assigns or the driver responsible or liable for any damage that might occur in the course of attempting to enter my vehicle either now or at some later date. The driver has made no verbal commitments to me with regards to his ability to leave my vehicle harmless during this action. I further state that I have full authority to authorize this procedure. Signed:________________________________

Hawaii State License RD-3282 A.S.E. Certified


This is to certify that I/we am the rightful owner and/or have been assigned use of and responsibility for the following vehicle:

YEAR_____ MAKE_________ MODEL________ COLOR________

I have asked Haleiwa Off Road Towing Co. to recover my vehicle. I understand that the tower will be exercising his best care in attempting to recover my vehicle during this emergency procedure.
I also understand that there may already be damage to my vehicle that cannot be seen at this time. Because of my vehicles' location, I also have come to learn that additional injury may occur to my vehicle. This damage may include but is not limited to: my tires, brakes, muffler(s), bumper, body parts and/or other parts under the vehicle when attempting to winch the vehicle whether it is stuck in the sand, mud, hill side or wherever the vehicle resides.
Having been made aware of the conditions listed herein, I will not hold this company, its assigns or the driver responsible or liable for any damage that might occur in the course of attempting to enter my vehicle either now or at some later date. The driver has made no verbal commitments to me with regards to his ability to leave my vehicle harmless during this action. I further state that I have full authority to authorize this procedure.


Hawaii State License RD-3282
ASE Certified

This Statement Dated:

Job Name: __________________________________________________________________
W.O. Number: _________________________________________________________________
Contact Phone Number(s) ________________________________________________________
As the Registered Owner of the subject vehicle, my statement is: Although I have previously registered a claim against Haleiwa Off Road Towing Co., I wish to withdraw the accident claim as I have changed my position and have been convinced or have come to the knowledge that the damage I previously reported may have been pre-existing. Further: _______________________

Signed: _________________________________________________________________
Print Name:

This form will be forwarded to your insurance company or to any other agency having an interest in the settling of this matter.

E-Mail: Fax: 808-637-2285
Dispatch: 637-9686 or Nextel: 479-5287 ID: 184*1*9336
P O Box 108, Haleiwa Hawaii 96712
Yard Location: 66-540 D. Kamehameha Hwy. in Haleiwa, Hawaii 96712

Hawaii State License RD-3282 A.S.E. Certified

P P I = private property impound

1. You arrive on scene, back up to the vehicle you wish to impound. You need to back up in such a way so as to block anybody from coming to the vehicle to move it without your permission.
2. You call The Back Room – HPD to secure the vehicle. That number is 529-3262.
3. HPD will answer the phone Backroom! That's all they will say.
4. You need to initiate all the information. You begin with saying, "I have a trespass tow!"
5. HPD says, "What company are you with?"
6. You say "Haleiwa Off Road Towing Co." Our company is already pre-registered with HPD. You don't need to give addresses or phone numbers.
7. HPD says, "What is the address of the trespass tow?"
8. You need to know before hand what the address of the trespass is! You give HPD that address.
9. HPD says, "What is the license number and description of the vehicle?"
10. You give the license number and full description of the vehicle Make only, number of doors and color.
10.1. You are to give them the license plate number in phonetics. The phonetics you are to use are listed on the next page.
10.2. If there is no license plate, you need to give them the V.I.N.
11. HPD says, "It's clear!"
12. You tell them you are towing it now and give HPD the exact time. (do not approximate the time. It has to be exact to the minute!" Give the time in military time!)
13. You then ask, "What is your operator number?" This is like getting a Purchase Order number.
14. You then clear with me to see whether or not the vehicle is to be taken to our shop or to the shredder.
14.1. If the vehicle is to be taken to the shredder then you must follow a certain procedure.
14.2. You take the vehicle to Alberts' Towing.
14.3. You write a description of the vehicle you are towing on your tow log sheet.
14.4. Alberts removes the vehicle from your truck or you may be instructed to drop the vehicle at a certain location.
14.5. You must have a representative at Alberts sign your log sheet validating that you have dropped off the vehicle.
14.6. You are to return to The Shop any tires or parts that you have removed for re-sale.

The Phonetic Alphabet:

A = Alpha
B = Bravo
C = Charlie
D = Delta
E = Echo
F = Foxtrot
G = Golf
H = Hotel
I = India
J = Juliet
K = Kilo or Kangaroo
L = Lima
M = Mike or Marsha
N = November
O = Oscar
P = Papa
Q = Quebec
R = Romeo
S = Sierra
T = Tango
U = Unicorn
V = Victor
W = Whisky
X = X-ray
Y = Yankee
Z = Zulu

These symbols are to be used whenever you find it necessary to transmit letters to someone else as in the case of a VIN or License Plate number.

Hawaii State License RD-3282
ASE Certified

Definition: Sticks to or with a certain object to the completion of its assigned directive with a proper attitude and respect worthy of its intention.

You are asking or applying to join a Company that is in competition with other companies that have been in business for years. From the onset of The Companies first day in business, we have seen the need to establish a direction that sets us apart from the pack. We set the pace. We establish the rules. We take the lead.

Attitude is everything. A proper attitude is learned. It may not come naturally. It may need to be acquired. It may need to be taught. But in order for it to be a positive role in your life, it must be desired.

The Worker is everything. Without workers, nothing gets done. The Company appreciates the workers and earns the workers respect. The worker needs to place a higher value on the completion of the project to the companies benefit rather than to his/her own preference or inclination. In order to maintain this attitude he/she will need a high level of respect for The Company as well as to the assigned arrangement. Although it takes courage to do what's right, loyalty to The Company is essential in the success of that company. Without respect for The Company, The Company will eventually break down and cease to exist. Loyalty and respect are equivalent to high quality oil in a finely tuned machine. Loyalty and respect does not do the bare minimum but has a meaningful share in the work assigned. In order to exercise Loyalty: Respect for The Company and Communication with the company is a must.

Communication is everything. Dispatch must communicate with the driver. The driver must communicate with the dispatcher. The customer needs to know you are on your way to his call. The Company needs to know when you arrived at the call and when you have unloaded and are available for your next call. The Company must communicate with all the workers and the workers need to communicate with The Company. The Company must communicate with the customer. The customer may be an individual or a motor club. A bad customer who pays his bills is better than no customer at all. If you discover or feel a better direction is necessary or beneficial for the advantage of The Company, say so. The Company has provided a means of communication for you. Use it. Use it often.

The Company is everything. Without The Company, nothing exists. The Company is visible. It must be kept clean. It must be kept innocent. The Company will not tolerate talking "stink" about its competition or anybody else. The company is in danger when an individual representing it seeks self gratification over the assignment or directive of The Company. You should be proud of The Company. It should have reason to be proud of you!

You are instructed to adopt this attitude:
"We believe that it's better to be done right than done today."
Hawaii State License RD-3282 A.S.E. Certified

There are at least 4 sides to The Company.

1. There's The Company
2. There's the customer
3. There's MC
4. There's the driver

Each has an integral part towards the success of the company. Here's how I see how it works. In order to realize a successfully run business, The Company must be run much like a machine or a team of parts. The more efficient the team is run, the more the team is run according to the mfg. recommendation, the better the results come out of that team. Job #1 in the success of any team is communication. If MC gives us the wrong information, then it is up to The Company dispatcher to discover this problem before he passes along inaccurate information to the driver. Otherwise, the customer is the one that suffers. If the customer changes his location or doesn't answer the phone or creates an unknown problem somewhere after the dispatch from MC takes place, this lack of communication to The Company creates another problem and the driver and The Company both suffer. If the driver does not communicate with The Company, then when MC calls to question the ETA of the driver and The Company does not know the answer because the driver failed to call in, both the customer, MC and The Company are negatively affected. Simple, uncomplicated communication not only addresses this issue but solves this problem altogether. Each side of this equation has a vital role in the success of the team's survival. The only problem with this scenario is the customer and MC don't really care if The Company survives. They want their tow or service call done as quickly and as cheaply as possible. They probably don't care if they ever hear from you again except to get another cheap call performed.

Therefore it becomes the mission or responsibility of the driver and The Company to step up to the plate and work together. Now if the driver and The Company fail to communicate, then the chances of success are greatly reduced. We now have 4 sides to the team, none of which are working in any unified direction. This can all change with proper communication. Each one of us has a responsibility. The Company takes the lead in guiding the MC and the Customer to aid in their success. The Company can only hope he complies with the teams direction. If he doesn't comply, then it becomes the responsibility of the team captain of The Company to pursue compliance. The question is why wouldn't the driver comply? 1. He doesn't know he was suppose to. 2. He feels that this goes beyond his scope of responsibility. 3. He doesn't care about the success of the team, The Company and/or simply refuses to comply. This then may become grounds for or may eventually lead to his/her termination.

A second important factor is the efficiency of the driver. Once the call has been dispatched, the entire success of that call falls on the shoulder of the driver. The driver needs to know his territory. He needs to know what the shortest routes are to the customer. Sometimes calling the customer will aid in that direction, however all to often, the customer does not know where he is. He is either a tourist or someone who just wasn't paying attention to his location before he broke down. Sometimes the driver will have to call back to The Company and let The Company find the customer so the driver can concentrate on the quickest or cleverest approach. But in either case, the driver's success requires his speed, dexterity and ingenuity to factor in as part of the equation. A s l o w moving, sluggish, time-consuming driver does not add enthusiasm to anybody's success. Remember, if you're not displaying an energetic attitude, this reflects on the whole approach The Company must then take on. You force The Company to give longer ETA's with this one particular driver. Eventually, The Company is forced to give the calls to the driver that it feels comfortable to give the shortest ETA's as well as generates a positive atmosphere so as to defend and protect The Company's over all direction. It would not be fair or reasonable to penalize The Company or expect The Company to suffer because of one or two individuals displaying this attitude. It would be far better for the effected drivers to adjust their thinking and come into compliance with The Company's over all direction.

Knowledge of your equipment is vital.
1. Do you know your equipment and how to use it?
2. Do you know what equipment belongs on your truck?
3. Do you know the limitations of your equipment?
4. Do you know what your equipment costs?
5. Do you make periodic inspections of your equipment so as to know their safe operating condition?
6. Do you know the relationship or limitations between your equipment and your customers vehicle?

The success of this call demands in part that you have experience as well as an expertise in the use of your equipment.

Dated January 10, 1999 _______________________________________________

Hawaii State License RD-3282
ASE Certified

Non-Competition Agreement

THIS IS A BINDING CONVENANT and AGREEMENT made as of this the _________th day of _______________, 2006 between Haleiwa Off Road Towing Co. a licensed towing company in the State of Hawaii, (hereinafter referred to as The Company) and __________________________________________________________ .

On _______________ 200__, ____________________________ was contracted to become a representative of The Company. Before this date he/she was not familiar with The Company's business, its structure, its customers or clients. He/She may have been familiar with the marketing of a certain product for which he/she was contracted. The Company is required to execute this Agreement to reflect the boundaries, limitations and competition restrictions associated with an anticipated separation.


Now therefore, in consideration of the mutual promises and agreements contained herein you, as a prospective representative of The Company agree to the following:

1. No information obtained from your contact with The Company may be sold, transferred or exchanged with any other individual, company or entity for any reason or remuneration for a period of __3__ (Three) years.

2. That for a period of __3__ (Three) years following the date of your separation from The Company, you shall not directly or indirectly, either individually or with others, engage in or have any interest, as an owner, employee, representative, agent, consultant or otherwise, any business, whether to entertain in any way clients, customers or The Company's contacts or disclose any "confidential information", which is similar to the business conducted by The Company within a radius of ___50___ miles or within the county(ies) of ____Honolulu____ during that time period.

Definitions: Confidential Information. For the purposes of paragraph 2 above, the term "Confidential Information" means, in addition to its meaning under applicable law, information which may not be generally known in The Company's and/or the Purchaser's industry or that which has been proprietary to The Company and which has been subject to efforts by The Company to maintain its confidentiality including but not limited to 1) The marketing of The Company's services 2) information relating to the daily business of The Company as conducted at any time within the previous __10__ year(s), and to any of The Company's past or current services, including without limitation, information about the Company's accounting, marketing, selling or servicing of its clients. Without limitation of the foregoing, all information which any employee or representative of The Company has a reasonable basis to consider to be deemed as confidential information.

Remedies: Both parties understand and agree that their respective relationship with The Company as well as with the assets of The Company is special and unique. That although in the event of any material breach of this Agreement or any of its provisions, monetary damages alone would not be an inadequate remedy; that any breach of any of the provisions outlined in paragraphs 1 and 2 could have far reaching damaging effects on The Company, I agree to pay in liquidated damages in the amount of: _____________ (to be determined by mutual agreement, arbitration or a court of law) if any violation of this Agreement is either proved or admitted.

Signed: _________________________
Print name:

Haleiwa Off Road Towing Co. representative: _____________________________
Todd White

State of Hawaii )
City and County of __Honolulu__ )

Sworn and signed before me on this date: ____________________________ 2006

Notary Public, State of Hawaii
My Commission Expires: ____________________________
Signed: ___________________________

Hawaii State License RD-3282
ASE Certified


Tow Zone #1: The North Shore from Kaena Point to Kaneohe then up to and including Mililani and all military bases in this zone, including back up to other zones not under your current assignment. Another driver will be called in to assist you if your ETA’s are 40 minutes or longer because of your current location or if The Company deems it appropriate because of issues that are necessary because of the location of another driver.

Tow Zone #2:Covers the West Coast from Makaha to Ewa Beach through and including from Waipahu to Halawa and from Pearl City up to Waipio including parts of Mililani.

Tow Zone #3: Covers the East Coast or Windward side from Kaneohe, Kailua including Waimanalo, up the H-3, Likelike Highway and the Pali Highway.

Tow Zone #4: Covers from Kalihi to Hawaii Kai.

Initial Pay: Hourly based on your experience and accepted application. Explained above in the section marked "PAY SCALE".

You are to take your customer to the assigned destination on your work order. DO NOT recommend this shop or any other drop off point suggesting one shop is better than another unless specifically asked by the customer for a recommendation. If you're in Haleiwa or close to Haleiwa and you do recommend our shop to your customer, you are to call Jeff first to see if he has the room and/or the time to work on it.

Where you hook up you will often take you into a different tow zone to drop off. Regardless of where you drop off, you are to call in and dispatch will inform you where to hover. It will usually be in the zone at a shopping center near where you dropped off.

Standby Locations

1. Town = Walmart Keeaumoku – Ala Moana Beach Park / Ala Moana shopping cntr.
2. Airport = Waialae Chevron / Byrons
3. Kailua = Castle Junction by the hospital
4. Kaneohe = Windward Mall
5. Pearl City = Pearl Ridge Mall
6. Haleiwa = At the shop
At the time of drop off, you are to go to any one of the locations listed above which will be close to your drop off point and you are to wait there until your next call comes in. That call may not come in for 2-3 hours so you should have supplies to clean your truck, have something to read, or DVD's to watch while you are waiting for that next call. After your truck is cleaned inside and out, you may then do whatever you want with your time as long as you are available for the next call. You may not leave that standby location and drive around claiming to be looking for a tow, when in fact you are simply wasting The Company's fuel. If something happens that requires you to leave that location, you are to call into The Company and notify the dispatcher on duty. Failure to do so will place you in violation of this portion of The Company Policy. Disciplinary action will follow. When the dispatcher thinks you are at one location when you are not, he may give an ETA which would then be impossible to keep. You place The Company in violation of it's agreement to the MC, you place the customer in a difficult position because he has been told you would be there within a certain number of minutes and you place yourself in a bad position because the call will be assigned to another driver and your time will have stopped at your last call meaning that for the last so many hours you were waiting for a call will now not be paid for. Your time now has been stopped at the last call you performed.

This list is the preferred fueling points on the island.

1. B & E in Kaneohe
2. Leeward Petroleum in Waianae
3. Any Tesoro: Fronting The Shop, Waipahu, Kailua by Castle Junction,
4. Waialae Chevron, next to Byrons by the Honolulu Int'l Airport
5. Shell complex in Kapolei, Ka Uka past Costco and at the Shell complex in Pearl City across from Anna Millers Pearl Ridge Mall
6. After hours in Kaneohe – Mahalo Gas Station on Kahuhipa
You are instructed to watch your fuel and to fill up at B & E or Waialae Chevron by the airport only since we have open charge accounts there. Otherwise you will have to connect with me to use my charge card at one of the preferred fueling points listed above. Due to an abuse of the system, I no longer authorize or will reimburse you for fuel you claim to have put in the truck by presenting a receipt for reimbursement.

Freeway location schedule and distance from The Shop

H - 1 E.B. Beginning at Campbell Industrial Park
Exit 1A – Campbell Industrial Park
Exit 1B – Kapolei, Makakilo
Overpass – Farrington Hwy
Overpass – Makakilo
Exit 5 – Kunia, Waipahu, Ewa, Highway's 750 North & 76 South
Overpass – Military Access Rd.
Overpass – Managers Drive
Exit 7 – Waikele, Waipahu
Exit 8A – Waipahu / Pearl City
Exit 8B – H2 NB – off ramps on next page
Exit 8C – Kam Hwy N.B. Highway 99
Overpass – Kamehameha Hwy
Overpass – Waiawa
Exit 10 – Waimalu, Pearl City
Overpass – Kaahumanu
Overpass – Kaanohi
Overpass – Kaamilo
Overpass – Aiea Heights Drive
Overpass – Kaimakani
Exit 13A – Aiea W.B. or Red Hill
Exit 13B – Halawa Heights Rd.
Overpass – Halawa Heights Rd.
Airport Viaduct H1 E.B. on page 5.
Exit 2 – Red Hill / Salt Lake / Moanalua Valley
Overpass – Ala Kupuna
Exit 3 – Tripler Hospital / Airport / Puuloa Rd. Highway 7310 Mapunapuna
Overpass – Puuloa Rd.
Overpass – Ahua St.
Overpass – Ft. Shafter
Overpass – Middle Street
Exit – No number – Middle Street / King St. / Fort Shafter
Overpass – Ola Lane
Overpass – Gulic Ave.
Exit 20A – Likelike Hwy. Highway 63
Overpass – Kalihi St.
Exit 20B – Vineyard
Overpass – Liliha Access Rd.
Overpass – Liliha St.
Overpass – Aala St.
Exit 21 – Pali Hwy
Overpass – Pali Hwy. Highway 68
Exit 21B – Punchbowl
Exit 22 – Kinau
Exit 23 – Punahou
Exit 24A – Bingham St.
Exit 24B - University
Exit 25A – King St.
Exit 25B – 6th Ave.
Exit 26A – Koko Head Ave.
Overpass – Koko Head Ave.
Exit 26B – Waialae, Kahala
End H1EB – Kalanianaole Hwy
H-1 W.B. beginning at Kahala
Exit 24B - University
Exit 24A – Wilder
Overpass – Ward Ave.
Exit 22 – Vineyard Blvd. Highway 98
Exit 21B – Pali Hwy EB Highway 61
Overpass – Queen Emma St.
Overpass – Pali Hwy
Overpass – Nuuanu Ave.
Exit 21A – School St.
Overpass – Aala St.
Overpass – Liliha St.
Overpass – Liliha Access Rd.
Exit 20C – Palama St.
Exit 20B – Houghtailing
Exit 20A – Likelike Hwy Highway 63
Exit – No number - H1WB Airport Viaduct, Airport / Hickam / Pearl Harbor
Exit 19B – Pearl City
Exit 4 – Fort Shafter / Ahua St.
Overpass – Fort Shafter Rd.
Overpass – Ahua St.
Exit 3 – Trippler Army Hospital / Puuloa St. Highway 7310
Overpass – Puuloa Rd.
Exit 2 – Moanalua Valley / Salt Lake / Red Hill
Overpass – Ala Kapuna
Exit 1D – H3 EB (Kaneohe Bound)
Exit 1E – Halawa Stadium / Camp Smith
Exit – No name – Pearl Ridge Highway 78
Overpass - Kaanohe St.
Overpass – Kaahumanu St.
Exit 10 – Pearl City / Waimalu
Exit 8A – H2 NB / Mililani / Wahiawa
Exit 8B – Waipahu Pearl City
Overpass – Waiawa Rd.
Exit 8C – Kam Hwy NB Highway 99
Highway 7101 – Farrington Hwy WB to Waipahu
End of H1WB at Farrington Hwy
H-2 N.B. beginning at H1/H2 merge
Exit 2 – Ka Uka Blvd.
Overpass – Ka Uka Blvd.
Exit 5A – Mililani Mauka
Exit 5B – Mililani Town
Overpass – Meheula Parkway
Exit 7 – Mililani Tech Park / Wheeler AAF, North Highway 99
Overpass – Leleihua Golf Course Rd.
Exit 8 – Wahiawa, Highway 80 (Kamehameha Hwy.)
End of H-2NB at Wilikina Dr., Highway 99 (Wilikina)
H-2 S.B. Beginning at Wahiawa
Overpass – Leleihua Golf Course Rd.
Overpass – Meheula Parkway
Overpass – Ka Uka Blvd.
End of H-2SB at H-1 interchange
H-3 E.B. Beginning at H-1 by the Stadium / Halawa
1 Mile Long Tunnel
Short Tunnel
Exit – Likiliki Hwy, Kaneohe
Exit 11 – Kamehameha Hwy. Highway 83
Exit 14 – Kailua, Mokapu, Highway 630
Scenic Point – Look Out
Exit 15 – Kaneohe Bay Drive
End of H-3 Kaneohe MCBH
H-3 W.B. – Beginning at Kaneohe Marine Corp Base MCBH
Exit 15 – Kaneohe Bay Drive
Scenic Point – Look Out
Exit 11 – Kamehameha Hwy, Highway 83
Overpass – No Name
Short Tunnel
1 Mile Long Tunnel
Runaway Truck Ramp
Exit 1C – Stadium, Halawa, Camp Smith, Aiea
Overpass – No Name
Overpass – Moanalua Freeway WB
Overpass – Moanalua Freeway EB
Exit 1B – Honolulu, Red Hill, Highway 78
Exit 1A – H1WB - Pearl City, Pearl Harbor, Airport
End of H-3 merge onto H-1 Airport Viaduct


1. B & E Kaneohe
2. Mahalo Gas Kahuhipa and Kam
3. Shell Kailua & Oneawa Kailua
4. Tesoro Kailua Rd. by Castle Junction
Aloha Gas Kailua Rd. by Castle Junction
5. Shell Lagoon Dr. Airport
6. Union 76 Miyazaki
7. Chevron Paiea & Nimitz
8. Shell Kam & Lipoa across from Pearl Ridge Aiea
9. Tesoro Waipahu Town Center Waipahu
10. Across from Arakawas next to Waipahu Chevy Dealer
11. Shell Farrington Kapolei
12. Vista Kam Wahiawa
13. Tesoro Kam Haleiwa
14. Shell Ka Uka Waipio
15. Leeward Petroleum Farrington Waianae
16. Shell McCully & Beretania Town side
17. Aloha Gas N. King St. & Kalihi Kalihi